Monday, August 4, 2008

How long do mild acne scars take to fade and why i have acne in my bottom

This is very simple to do. For example, one of the worst foods for imbalancing hormones (and causing acne) is vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is most commonly consumed as a cooking oil, for example, sunflower oil. It's also found in some junk foods like cookies and chips.
The best way of preventing adverse condition to any of your organs, including your skin, is to live a healthy lifestyle. If you truly want to prevent acne naturally you should give up drugs that are not either recommended or prescribed by your doctor. This includes alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. Caffeine in particular results in dehydrating your body. And, the results of long-term smoking to the skin are visually obvious. Remember that coffee isn't the only source of caffeine. Be sure to read the labels on your drinks. For the best skin health, drink only water.
As mentioned earlier, although not perhaps the root of acne, bacteria and clogged pores are a primary causes for concern. The processes discussed here ensure we are not promoting an environment in which bacteria can flourish.
tags: fading cream for acne marks, body milk lotion, with milk and honey, scars from acne, lazer treatment for adult acne

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